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For more information contact:
Barb Turino
Cell: 951-858-7350
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Facebook: I am ME first @iammefirst
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Twitter: I am ME first @iamMEfirst1
Probably the most unique workshop I’ve ever attended. I feel motivated to start doing more, learning new things and challenging myself.
The variety of stories were amazing, touching and heartfelt. Also, the mix of ages and genders made it work well.
Seems to be a process that helps people. Writing and speaking our stories gives perspective.
Empowering and touching workshop. All of us have our own challenges but to hear others, one sees one’s own story in a new way.
Fulfilling, inspiring, entertaining, mind blowing & unbelievable stories. People matter, each story, each life matters. This experience motivated me to look at my own life and helped me to not be so hard on myself.
It made me feel better about what I am going through in my own life. The grass is not always greener.
As a presenter, it gave me a chance to re-examine my own life and think about what the future holds for me. (91-year-old)
It was so uplifting and amazing to hear everyone’s stories. Sharing my story was cathartic and incredibly rewarding. It helped me build my confidence.
Love this program. Love the people. These stories make each of us stronger. My heart is deeply touched. I always had a desire to be a public speaker and this has helped me. I have even more to say and tell.
Emotionally honest, helped me re-shape my own story.
It was touching and moving to hear men’s voices. Men showing vulnerability.
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